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Last Rays
Late Afternoon Ride, Mexico
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Lava Flow from Kilauea, Kalapana, Hawaii
Lazy Afternoon
Lazy Days in a Cozy Cottage, France
Lazy Days of Summer
Lazy Days, Key West, Florida
Le Chateau d' Amboise, France
Le Maire Channel, Antarctica
Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy
Leap of Faith
Leap of Faith, Snowbird, Utah
Leaping the Abyss, Ruth Gorge, Alaska
Leeds Castle, Kent, England
Legolas and Aragorn, Lord of the Rings, Return of the King
Legolas, Aragorn, and Gandalf, Lord of the Rings, Return of the King
Legolas, Lord of the Rings, Return of the King
Leprechaun Crossing , County Kerry, Ireland
Lewis River Gorge, Washington
Li River, Guangxi-Zhuang, China
Liberty and Justice for All
Lifeguard Station, South Beach, Miami, Florida
Light at the End of the Road

jAlbum 9